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Sunpower Group Donated 56,000 Surgical Masks to All Sectors of Society and Domestic and Overseas Partners

Time:2020.03.16 Clicks:2292 Size:

Up to March 12, Sunpower group has donated 56,000 surgical masks to all sectors of society and overseas partners, and distributed them to the first-line epidemic prevention and protection teams in streets, development zones and primary and middle schools of Nanjing city and the cities where the project is located, free of charge, and these materials will be used for daily epidemic prevention of employees of South Korea Hyundai Iron and other companies. This batch of medical supplies is the second time that Sunpower group donated materials to the first-line support group to fight the "epidemic".

"At the moment of the epidemic, it is the responsibility of enterprises to carry forward the fine tradition of helping the poor and the vulnerable and making contributions to society. Sunpower has the obligation to take an active role during the outbreak, shoulder social responsibilities and make full contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic, social stability and market supply. As long as we work together, we can beat the epidemic." Nanjing Jiangning District CPPCC member, Sunpower Group's vice chairman Frank Ma said.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Sunpower group has taken the initiative to assume social responsibility and actively responded to the relevant requirements of Nanjing government on the prevention and control of novel coronavirus. We have donated a total of 56,000 surgical masks, over 670 sets of infra-red warm clothing and other anti-epidemic supplies to all sectors of society and domestic and overseas partners. In addition to donating materials, as an energy conservation and environmental protection enterprise, Sunpower also gives play to its own technical strength to help the prevention and control of the national epidemic. In the face of the epidemic situation, the group established a quick response emergency steam supply guarantee mechanism, formulated operation mode and technical measures of separate heating supply to key material production enterprises for epidemic prevention and control, and developed the "through train" for heating supply, so as to ensure the resumption of production for enterprises that supply key materials for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Under the continuous heat supply from Sunpower subsidiaries Lianshui Zhongshen, Zhangjiagang Yongxing Thermoelectricity, Quanjiao Zhongsheng and etc., Chuzhou Yonghe Feed and Quanjiao Weilai Feed Companies within the district of heating supply returned to work in the first time, ensuring the feed supply of downstream farmers and stabilizing the "vegetable basket"; The protective clothing raw materials produced by Zhangjiagang Hongyu new materials company have been urgently delivered for finished product production; The abidor medicines produced by Lianshui Pharmaceutical Company have been successfully rolled off the line and used in Hubei Health Commission and key hospitals... provide a strong energy guarantee To win the epidemic prevention and control of the war.

Party members contributed to epidemic prevention. Since the resumption of production, Sunpower group party committee secretary, chairman Guo Hongxin led all party members to donate money to support the epidemic prevention and control work. Sunpower Party Committee immediately set up the inspection team for epidemic prevention of the party and the communist party of China (CPC) to build an "epidemic prevention wall" for the vast number of industrial workers. At present, the industrial workers in the high-end manufacturing sector of Sunpower are breaking through difficulties with the most stringent epidemic prevention and control requirements, the highest manufacturing standards, the fastest "smart" manufacturing speed, to restore production and supply, to ensure the timely delivery of domestic and overseas orders. Up to early march, Sunpower has successfully completed Sinopec "Tianjin LNG Phase II project IFV Vaporizer" on-site installation and Fujian Baihong Petrochemical 2.5 million tons/PTA oxidation reactor condenser unit, the Chinese Chemical Engineering IPCI Project spiral baffle plate heat exchanger and a batch of key equipment manufacturing tasks, contribute to stabilize the local economic development and social situation with Sunpower strength.

We are all together in the way to fight against the epidemic. The outbreak of pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus is a civil war without smoke. Epidemic situation is a command, prevention and control is responsibility, participation is contribution. Guo hongxin, party secretary and chairman of Sunpower group, said that Sunpower will continue to the fight against the epidemic by donating materials and making every effort to ensure the heat demand of key material manufacturers and small, medium and micro enterprises in the field of epidemic prevention and control.